Thursday, 26 May 2016

APA Title Page

The APA title page is the first page readers and professors will see in your APA research paper, thesis or PhD dissertation. Writing a thesis or dissertation is something that each and every student need to go through during their final year of university degree. Even though there are so many formats and styles available for writing thesis, nothing can really beat the demand of APA styles. No matter which sort of dissertation you are asked or chose to write, using an APA title page is must thing to do most of the time.
It might sound easy for few people, but for few writing a dissertation in APA style including the APA title page is a true nightmare. However, if writing an APA title page seems to be totally new to you, there is nothing much to be worried about. Such writing includes the common writing rules in most of the part.
Students who have never used APA style of writing before, can always take help of dissertation editing services. These services are provided by all the major Academic writing companies to help the students writing a good and informative dissertation. Anyone who wishes to submit a high quality thesis to the university can apply for the dissertation editing services.
This entire dissertation editing service follows the same pattern of writing dissertation. The first thing to do while starting the thesis paper is to write APA title page. This title page contains the name of the person who has asked for thesis and also the name of his or her school. The second paper is said to be an abstract page which gives details about the subject of the dissertation or thesis. The main contents of the thesis start from third page onwards.
By now, you must have got the idea of how depth knowledge of the subject a dissertation editing service requires. However, depth knowledge is not the only thing it requires. Good professionalism and exceptional writing skills are also two important things that it needs for creating a thesis with an attractive APA title page. This editing service assists you at all the stages of dissertation writing. These include:

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Essay Writing Importance - Breaking Student's Delusion

Essay writing remains to be one of the hardest and complicated tasks that the marvel of modern technology has yet to make easier for man. Everything nowadays is simply keystrokes away, but the process of assembling thoughts into an engaging written piece still proceeds at an old fashioned pace.
Since the days of paper and pencil, essay writing has never really changed a lot. It still entails tons of hard work, in-depth research, logical organization of thoughts, and sophisticated style of writing. As a lot of students continue to hate this writing activity thinking it's just a time-consuming worthless activity, there are four good reasons why writing essays is to be considered as more beneficial than burdensome. Here are some important purposes of essay writing:
* knowledge internalization
* intellectual development
* feedback generation
* good practice
Barely listening to a lecture or simply reading is not an assurance of knowledge internalization. Knowledge has been really internalized if it has been taken by someone as his own. Knowledge possession is best achieved through writing. Essay writing is a good way to internalize the facts that has been heard or read. Eventually, writing activity stimulates the intellect and leads to intellectual development. Aside from that, writing essays is a healthy way to improve writing skills. It is a good practice for future written exams.
Essays are essential for development and evaluation of students' skills - writing and reading skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, research skills, and the ability to write under time pressure. All these skills are assessed in the entire essay writing process.
Therefore, essays are tools to gauge students' level of knowledge and skills that greatly affect their grades and academic performance.
Essay writing remains to be a big challenge to students and even to the most consummate writers. However, essays affect too many things in a student's academic life: grades, reputation, admissions, and abilities. Essays produced by students serve as reflection of their thinking skills.
Students find essay writing to be a burdensome activity. There is a great need to let students understand the importance and benefits that the writing essay brings - that it is intrinsically valuable to their academic growth.

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Questions about Yoga Teacher Training via Correspondence

Recently, I spoke to a Yoga teacher intern about Yoga teacher training correspondence courses. He had six years of formal training with a master Yoga teacher (Guru), and currently, lives outside of North America. This interview will help to put some light on Yoga teacher training by correspondence.
Q: Will a Yoga teacher training correspondence package make me competent enough to teach Yoga? This is bearing in mind that, at this time, I do not have access to a local Yoga instructor, who can supervise my Yoga teacher training?
A: Yes, your past experience will help, but the Yoga teacher training course must be entirely complete, and if you wanted to send an early pre-exam video, or DVD, to monitor your progress the director of Yoga teacher training should review for free, or for a small fee.
A mirror, camera, and audio recorder also make great learning tools for monitoring your progress, while you prepare to become a Yoga teacher.
Do not judge yourself too harshly. This is a common reaction, when we record anything we do. When you can get by our own self-criticism; you will be on the path to become a Yoga teacher.
Within your Yoga teacher training course, there should be step-by-step instructions, numerous Yoga resources, and you should also be guided in the direction of additional Yoga teaching resources.
In fact, any time you have a question, you should be able to send an email and receive a timely reply. It is also good if you can get answers over the phone.
Q: On receipt of Yoga correspondence course material how do I proceed with my Yoga teacher training? What do I need to have in order to fully benefit from the Yoga instructor training material?
A: Upon receipt of your Yoga training course material, you should receive step-by-step instructions - however, let's go over the highlights of a typical Yoga teacher certification course.
1) You would want to focus on your written exam first. If you had a 900 page Yoga book to read, for the written exam; set a goal of reading a realistic amount of pages each day. For example: if you were to read 10 pages per day - within 3 months - you should have your written exam complete.
2) You should have developed a complete lesson plan for your Yoga class within the material of your written exam. As harsh as this may sound: Essay exams will teach you more.
Multiple choice or true / false exams are a "process of elimination," and over the long-term, the facts you learn may be easily forgotten. A Yoga teacher written exam should be a measurement of what a Yoga teacher should know.
3) There might also be, at least, one essay. For example: You might pick a health topic to write about for your essay (3 pages - typed). It could be an overview of Yoga, and its relationship to health, or it could be Yoga and its relationship to a specific ailment.
4) Once you have your Yoga lesson plan template, you can start to refine it for your practical exam (video or DVD). As far as VCD's, or DVD's, make sure the examiner can read any format - from any part of the world.
5) In your Yoga course, there should also be a number of continuing education resources, for Yoga teachers.
You should not get side tracked by these during the Yoga certification process. Therefore, focus on your Yoga teacher written exam, the essay, and the practical exam first - and in that order.
Q: What Yoga teacher training level should I start from, and how do I proceed to the next Yoga teacher levels?
A: You should start with a Level 1, 200-hour minimum, Yoga teacher training course.
Q: Are there additional costs in correspondence Yoga teacher courses, which I need to be aware before I start the training, so that I can factor them in?
For International Yoga teacher interns, the only additional cost should be, shipping, and if customs charges an Import Fee, on educational materials. However, you should always ask about extra fees; just to be sure.

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Medieval Castles - An Essay

Castles remind us of a time that was full of adventure and romance. Castles remind us of a time in history in which there was a lack of government and order. Although there was not mass confusion and anarchy, there was less order. Castles were the basis of feudalism. Castles can be seen as a manifestation of feudal society. Feudalism started with the rise of castles and ended with their end. The castle set the tone as the only homestead that nobility would live in during this time. Castles were influenced by and influenced many medieval cathedrals in Europe. Although castles served many purposes, their primary purpose was military. At that time, people were not protected by merely shutting and locking a regular wooden door. They needed the protection of castles and their knights. The lords and constables of castles needed serfs to work the land to make revenue in order to pay rent to the more important nobles. Given the following evidence, it is relatively obvious why castles and castle building played an instrumental role in the development of Western Europe.
Castles are unique to a time in history known as medieval times. The word medieval in our times is an insult to anything as is the word feudal. Through the haze and ruins, one can imagine dungeons, chivalrous knights, and mighty Lords who ruled the land and protected the common peasant from barbarians and other invaders. The rise of castles marked the rise of feudalism. This was all started by the crusades. The majority of the knights and nobles went to liberate the holy land from the Muslims. The Crusades influenced castle builders back in Europe. Ideas were gathered from Muslim and Byzantine fortifications. Because of the lack of protection in Europe, a castle's strength needed to be increased because of the ever-present threat of a Muslim invasion. The end of Feudalism also marked the end of the middle ages and hence the end of the great castle era.
Castles integrated the combination of residence and fortress. The first castle dates back to King Sargon II of Khorsabad in ancient Egypt. He erected a grand palace for himself to protect him and his subjects. The first recorded references to castles was the Edict of Pistes by Charles the Bald, king of the West Franks. "We will and expressly command that whoever at this time has made castles and fortifications and enclosures without our out permission shall have them demolished by the First of August" (Brown Architecture of Castles 13). Other castle laws were the Norman Institutions handed down by William the Conqueror after he took over England. One law says that no one shall raise castles in Normandy without the Duke's license.
An ideal castle site was one that had natural obstacles for defense such as steep hillsides and water. Castles that were built on rocks or islands were especially effective. An example of this is Bodiam in Sussex which was the home of Sir Edward Dalyngrigge in 1385. A moat offered good protection, but building on a lake or river offered better protection. The site should not be too remote. It should have water and building material readily available nearby. A site should have a good climate, good pasture, and ample fertile land. If a castle had all these things, it would increase its chances of surviving a siege.
A large majority of early castles followed the motte and bailey design. These designs utilized earth and timber. A motte and bailey design is a design where the keep is on a hill or motte behind the bailey which is the open area of the castle similar to a town square. A bridge usually connected the motte to the bailey. The motte was a great mound of earth or rock. Sometimes it was artificial, but the majority of the time it was authentic. At its base there was a deep trench that resembled a moat. This was used as defense. Surrounding the motte was a wall of timber. The motte also contained the keep which is where the lord of the manor and his family lived. The keep was the innermost part of the castle. It was the last defense against attack. The keep has also been referred to as the donjon. This is where the French got the word dungeon meaning the jail or place to hold prisoners. Surrounding the entire premises was a wooden fence that was at least ten feet in height. These wooden stakes were then implanted in the ground for support. The fence sometimes stood upon posts to allow men to get through. During a siege, the perimeter would be covered with wet animal skins to curb the threat of arson. Most motte and bailey castles were built before William the Conqueror's conquest in 1066.

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Essay Assistance - The Best Way To Write An Essay

The best way to write an essay? Perhaps there can never be the 'perfect' essay, but there are sound guidelines which you can follow to make your essay the very best you can achieve. Most students are likely to need some form of essay assistance at some point, but one of the fundamental academic essay writing tips is to follow a plan and to stick to it.
The first stage is to formulate your topic clearly in your own mind, so that you understand the question which your essay sets out to answer. You can only fully research the issues involved if you have a complete understanding of the subject. Next, write a detailed outline of your essay, filling out its structure as you go, making sure that no important ideas have been omitted. Then it is time for the first draft.
At this point you should discover any corrections which need to be made. This can be quite difficult to do when you are as close to your work as you should be, and this is an optimum time to take advantage of essay assistance. An independent eye will find improvements which may remain hidden to you. This may just be a trusted friend or relative, but you should also consider the competence which experienced editors and proof readers will bring to your work. Professional essay assistance can be invaluable.
You should now feel confident in your first draft, which is a major step forward. Now it is time to hone your essay to perfection. Analyze your introduction. It should present your paper's main concept, capturing the reader's attention and driving them into the main body. Your logical argument will flow here, a succession of connected ideas backed up with examples, quotations and references.
This may be another area for essay assistance. Any logical explanations may seem to be very clear to the writer, but an independent viewpoint can highlight a muddled argument and any inconsistencies. Sometimes this could be as simple as the insertion of a new chapter heading or sub-headings. The purpose is to link your ideas within a logical framework.
The conclusion will offer a resume of your entire research. You will answer the question or main point of the essay here, either arguing against it or confirming the proposition. If you have some essay assistance you will gain confidence from an independent acknowledgement of the validity of your conclusions. It is easy to fall into the trap of paraphrasing the entire essay with similar wording, and you will find that any essay assistance resource will be helpful in the avoidance of word reuse in your summing up. Now your essay is complete. Perfection is related to effort, and there should be no problem with that!

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Types of Freelance Online Writing Job

There are many types of freelance job on online writing. What type of freelance online writing job you will engage in will depend basically on two considerations: your writing forte and of course, the amount of time you are willing to devote to the job.
The following is a list of the different freelance online writing job available and their specific job description and demands:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Consulting- The Internet has become one big business. Companies have already grabbed this medium for their advertising and marketing needs in order to reach a wider market and are constantly scouting for those who want to work for their freelance online writing job positions. In order to grab the attention of those who are logged online, companies have used SEO to promote their products. Examples of this include submitting websites to directories, increasing keyword usage, link exchange requests and better meta tags.
2. Online editing jobs- Writers with vast experience in editing would like to try out as an online editor. This is quite an easy type of freelance online writing job with two options: either work as an editor for website companies to improve the quality of their contents or as an editor for academic writing assistance websites to check the essays and dissertations of students.
3. Data Entry- For those on the lookout for freelance online writing job, data entry is becoming a popular option. Many website owners demand basic data entry work. The only requirements for this type of job include a fast typing speed and the appropriate data entry software. One has to be wary though as there are many scams out there. Usually, this type of job entails a daily fixed amount of time.
4. Web content writer- Almost every company has its own website. In fact, a website has become a vital component of the marketing and advertising strategies of businesses. Website owners usually hire freelancers to write content for their websites- from the company profile to product information to the latest promos. Every transaction is done online.
5. Contribution to e-magazines- Another lucrative and rewarding freelance online writing job is to become a contributor to the numerous e-magazines. Not only do you get to see your byline online, but you get paid as well.
6. Writing for discussion boards- This type of freelance online writing job is ideal for those who are highly creative and have the knack of engaging others to a conversation.

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Make $100 Dollars in No Time - The Perfect Plan For the Starving Student

A University and College education does not come cheap. Any student knows this. First there's the tuition, then the cost of room and board, plus the books, the supplies and the additional in-class add-ons. If you're a student and you're running out of options on the money front, then opt for this simple yet effective method of making 100 dollars in no time.
Instead of running to Mom and Dad when you run out of cash for groceries, collect all of those essays you've written in the past four years, jump online and turn those papers into cash.
There are two different methods to make money out of your old essays. First, you can sell them to term paper companies. Certain term paper and essay writing companies will purchase your old essays as research documents to help students looking for thoughtful and intelligent essays to cite in their own work.
Another way to cash in on your college essay-writing talent is to write and edit custom essays for students. Many websites are designed to help students with their studies by hiring A plus college students and graduates as their tutors. Simply take what you know and expand on it.
This is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money. Companies will pay anywhere from 10 dollars to 20 dollars per page for your essays! After four or more years of college, this can add up to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.
For the money-hungry student looking for a couple hundred bucks for a few pints after a long exam, this is the perfect solution.
If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

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Writing a Top Level University Essay

There are several leaps that a person takes from high school to graduation. The rule is that the more knowledge you gain, the better should be your way of presenting of information. May it be a simple test paper or a project submission, its level keeps increasing with increase of familiarity with that subject.
A university-level essay is usually characterized by several key features contained in it. The topic has a wide point of view. This does not mean it is vague. The job of describing it in a unique way is the prime role and responsibility of a writer; such discussions are given more weight-age by professors. Clarity of thoughts must be presented via the paper in a chronological manner. It is equally important to put individual views in the essay instead of directly using vague content. This shows that you are well-researched and have developed an opinion, enough to write an essay about the topic. It gives a customized feel to the essay, which will be appreciated in your mark-sheet.
To start with, create questions using the topic given to you. This will help you in your research work before starting to draft the essay. Next, support each point that you put in your essay with appropriate evidence. The books, articles or websites that you referred to, in your research work, will provide this evidence. The way in which you select these evidences and apply them aptly in your essay is where your own opinion and creativity shall be seen. Theories and incidents can be used as evidences.
All that you research need not be added to your essay. It does not require proficient skills to select the typical data to be used but logical thinking. It is important to carefully consider the idea and review its conclusions before putting it in your work. An important feature of good writers is that they do not keep reviewing again and again, but they re-draft. After the first draft, revise your essay extensively and then re-draft accordingly.
Careful selection of words and language used in the essay gives it more stability and firmness. All academic essays should be written in a formal style. Cliches should be avoided, and should possess contractions and personalized descriptions. An essay should be differentiated from a speech, which is more informal. Hence, sentences like 'well, that sounded quite right' should strictly be disregarded. Such sentences give a casual outlook to the entire essay. Words like 'good', 'bad', 'maybe' create a vague image in the mind of the reader. A strong and certain belief must be expressed by the choice of words.

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